Sending a Message

The origins of this experiment began with the work of Jimmy Blanchette, an ametuer radio operator and ET enthusiast. Using common walkie talkie radios and his custom made, back yard radio antenna and related software, Jimmy began broadcasting an encoded message (developed with the help of David Sereda) into space with the goal of establishing contact with ET's.

Upon learning of Jimmy's work in November, 2021, famed science advisor and host of the weekly radio show, The Other Side of Midnight, Richard C. Hoagland, assembled a team of collaborators (Jimmy Blanchette, David Sereda and Jonathan Womack among others) to advance Jimmy's work in a unique direction, broadcasting a message directly to the interstellar object known as "Oumuamua". After a pair of trials in December 2021, the stage was set to broadcast a message containing mathematics, tones, and other data, via a powerful radio beam aimed directly at the anomalous, space-faring object. Any response would be recorded via a digital recorder and the event would take place on Christmas Eve, 2021.

De Coding the Message

We have been receiving a variety of radio signals in response to our broadcast. Our team has been working to decode these signals via spectral analysis and numerology. 

Our goal is to maintain transparency and we invite you to be a part of this important research. We will be posting instructions for anyone interested in taking part in our continued experiemntation. Instructions will include details such as the equipment needed and how to use it in order to send, receive, and record radio transmission/receptions on preselected frequencies.  A dedicated gallery page will feature videos, images, audio clips, spectral samples and other related materials.

On March 20, 2022 during the Spring Equinox, Maria Wheatley recorded the most amazing effect; the blue stones, lintels and sarsen stones of Stonehenge rang! Like symphony chimes being lightly strick with a hammer, multiple notes resonated from the megalithic temple. We are processing the tones and will be sharing this magical music at a later date. -Jonathan Womack, Spectral Analyst

If you are interested in participating, please reach out to Richard at the following address:

For more information, visit The Other Side of and Enterprise